Technical Data DSC 300 Caliris
Maximum Temperature Range
Maximum Heating Rate
Automatic Sample Changer

Enthalpy precision (H-Module):
± 0.05% for indium
Temperature precision (H- and P-Module):
± 0.01 K (standard deviation from mean value, indium)
Temperature accuracy (H-Module):
± 0.05 K (Indium)
Peak-to-peak noise ratio:
± 2 µW
± 0.3% (peak area; In, C10H16, Zn)
Gas atmospheres:
Inert, oxidizing, static and dynamic
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Cooling options:
- Compressed air cooling (RT to 650°C/750°C)
- Vortex tube (compressed air): < 0°C to 650°C/750°C
- Compressed air with switch valve RT to 650°C/750°C
- IC40 (-40°C to 600°C)
- IC70 (-70°C to 600°C)
- IC90 (-90°C to 600°C)
- LN2 (-180°C to 650°C/750°C)
Heating/cooling rate:
- H-Module: 0.001 K/min to 200 K/min
- P-Module: 0.001 K/min to 500 K/min
(Maximum rates depend upon end temperature) - S-Module: 0.001 K/min to 100 K/min