differential scanning calorimetry

DSC 204 HP Phoenix

High-pressure DSC

The high-pressure DSC for specific reactions 

Numerous physical processes and chemical reactions are influenced by the surrounding gas pressure. In practise it is therefore often necessary to conduct DSC measurements under an increased pressure.

With the high-pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter, DSC 204 HP Phoenix, thermal effects in a sample can be analyzed in the pressure range from vacuum to 15 MPa (150 bar) and at temperatures from -150°C to 600°C, depending on the type of gas.
The sample chamber atmosphere can be static or dynamic. The electronic pressure monitor and control, along with exact regulation of the purge gas flow, provide for excellent accuracy and reproducibility of the measurement results.
The proven CC 200 L for liquid nitrogen cooling is available for the low-temperature range.
The safety of the high-pressure DSC system has been certified through design tests and is guaranteed during operation by the appropriate safety components.

Prof. Jarad Mason

„We chose to work with NETZSCH’s HP-DSC because of its versatility and robustness. By allowing us to reliably access high pressures up to 150 bar with a wide range of gas environments, NETZSCH’s HP-DSC has greatly facilitated our group’s efforts to investigate phase transitions in next-generation thermal materials.“

Prof. Jarad Mason
Доцент по химия и химична биология в Mason Group в Харвардския университет

Technical Data

Wide pressure range
vacuum to 15 MPa (approx. 2140 psi)
Exact pressure adjustment 
(e.g. 10 MPa ± 0.002 MPa)
Heating rates
0.01 K/min to 100 K/min

Temperature range
(depending on the gas type)      
-150°C to 600°C (at 1 bar)
-90°C to 600°C (at 50 bar)
-50°C to 450°C (at 150 bar)

Measurements in different atmospheres
inert: N2, noble gases
reducing: H2
oxidizing: O2, CO2, air


Exact gas flow regulation
up to 500 ml/min


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