Fascinating Flexibility in Thermal Analysis
The DSC 404 F1 Pegasus, High-Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimeter, is designed for the exact determination of specific heat of high-performance materials at high temperatures.
- Determination of thermodynamic properties of ceramics and metallic high-performance materials
- Performance of quantitative enthalpy and cp determinations in a pure gas atmosphere
- Vacuum-tight up to 10-4 mbar for creation of highly pure atmospheres for tests on materials sensitive to oxidation
- Characterization of amorphous metals, shape memory alloys and inorganic glasses
This DSC 404 F1 Pegasus stands for highest flexibility, excellent quality and optimal performance.
The DSC 404 F1 Pegasus comprises a high-capacity heat flux DSC for highly sophisticated application measurements.
The concept of the DSC 404 F1 Pegasus allows configuration for up to eight different furnace types, easily interchangeable by the user, for a wide temperature range within -150°C to 2000°C (please see accessories).
We offer diverse sensors for DSC and DTA measurements, various crucible types as well as a great variety of technical accessories.
The coupling to a FT-IR or MS is possible without problems.
An important hardware extension, like the automatic sample changer (ASC) for up to 20 sample and reference crucibles, and software features, such as BeFlat for an optimized baseline or the optional temperature modulation of the DSC signal (TM-DSC) make the DSC 404 F1 Pegasus the most versatile DSC system for research & development, quality assurance, failure analysis and process optimization.
The DSC 404F1 Pegasusis the ideal tool for your daily laboratory work.
Technical Data
A graphite furnace with W/Re sensors
Optional available is the TM-DSC software feature

The DSC cp sensors enable extremely accurate determination of the specific heat:
RT to 1400°C: ± 2.5%
RT to 1500°C: ± 3.5%
An automatic sample changer (ASC) for up to 20 samples and references is available (option).

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